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  • Anje

Mijn eerste poster.

Look at me standing. Een poster op de achtergrond. Toch even in de schijnwerpers (al vind ik dat niet het leukste wat er is) met mijn werk over scribing in de context van therapie en zorg.

Foto gemaakt door Sara Adriaenssens, kinder- en jeugdpsychiater, één van de toehoorders van mijn praatje tijdens de postersessie op de International Conference for Family Therapy, die doorging op 6, 7 en 8 juli 2023 in Assisi, Italië.

Heb je interesse om de tekst te lezen dan vind je die hieronder:


Anje Claeys (1-2), Elke Van Roie (2), Marina Danckaerts (2)

Affiliation: (1) BioArt, Leuven, Belgium, (2) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Campus Gasthuisberg, UPC KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

Abstract text

Generative scribing is a visual practice and can be seen as a device for social seeing. The method has been established by Kelvy Bird at the Presencing Institute, USA. An artist draws while people talk. A drawing made by a scribe typically shows a mixture of both words and images. Scribing and other visual methods such as sketchnoting, graphic recording and visual harvesting have many applications in the field of change management, business and governance. The work of Anje Claeys aims at translating this knowledge and experience to the specific context of mental health. Her drawings visualize what is going on in a person, a relationship or a family and can easily be shown to other people involved resulting in mutual insight and relational connection.

We explored different visualizing methods within the therapeutic context of a semi-residential setting. We used this approach throughout individual sessions with youngsters, family sessions and parent gatherings. A scribe is not merely an observer but combines a few roles depending on the setting of the conversation, namely an outsider witness role, a co-creative role and a consolidating role. Through narrative questioning and scaffolding the scribe creates a drawing that documents important issues, brings about new perspectives and aims at increasing a sense of agency and belonging.

We will describe different visualization methods that are being applied throughout the multi-stakeholder co-creative therapy program of youngsters at the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Division. The visualizing work invites playfulness, creativity and curiosity into the therapy room, shows to have a positive influence on wellbeing and creates a sense of coherence.

A visualizing approach uplifts the work done by therapists and educators by visually connecting the dots, catalyzes dialogues amongst family members and facilitates a common understanding of difficulties, thereby creating resilience, hope and color in dark life episodes.


Anje Claeys is working as an independent artist in different professional settings. This work shows the work she has been doing in the ward of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at UPC KU Leuven. From 2020 onwards she has been experimenting with scribing and other (cocreative) visualizing practices to generate change within the complex context of multi-stressed families. This work takes place under the supervision of Dr. Elke Van Roie, child and adolescent psychiatrist. Applying the methodology of generative scribing and other visualizing techniques seems to be new within the mental health context. First results are promising and therefore we recently started qualitative research to investigate the meaning of the work for the adolescents involved.

More information on scribing and its application in different contexts can be found on the website of Anje Claeys at


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