My Method
I listen, I draw, I research and I see connections. Analytically minded, scientifically and artfully trained, it's a mix that works!I am present in conversations. I add beauty. This ensures that the essence is brought to light and that change becomes possible.
What is scribing?
Scribing is drawing and writing,whilepeople talk. This creates a visual representation of the insights and ideas that arise during the meeting. Scribing happens 'in real time', in the here and now. As the dialogue unfolds, participants can review their ideas, increasing understanding. Scibing is a social art form, it is a participatory and interactive process between the group, the scribe and the visual product itself.
At the end of the meeting we look at the drawing together, and we see what it does to us, which additional insights arise. Then photos can be taken and we scan the drawings. You will receive the files and also the originals. Since I work in a small format (A4), the drawings can be easily handled, shown and shared with others. In this way, the meeting lasts longer and the insights are more broadly and deeply integrated into the narrative of those involved, the group, the wider organization.
What are the advantages?
Because a scribe is present at the meeting, the participants are deeply involved. As an outsider, the scribe is very attentively present and can bring a fresh perspective into the space. The scribe can visually represent the most important insights. The presence of a scribe also ensures that you can better focus on the people involved, the process and the mutual interactions.
The conversation is visually documented. As a result, insights and additional ideas come to the surface. All voices count. Questions are asked. New perspectives are emerging.Those involved often indicate that they feel heard and acknowledged. They experience their active participation as crucial, because they see their words being displayed in a visual way. Scribing increases (mutual) understanding and (systemic) creativity, it contributes to empathy and realizes a systemic approach and view.

Other methods?
Yes. I would like to tell you all about it. There is not only scribing, but also 'system scribing' and 'visual sensemaking'. Through an accessible methodology that I learned through a training at the Presencing Institute, I learned to look at a system in an alternative way. By drawing out the different elements of a system and then cutting them out (like the little men on the right) you can easily get an idea of what is going on. You draw 'elements' (eg the persons), you draw the 'wholes', you also add the relationships (with lines or dotted lines, for example). Then also the 'boundaries', the 'patterns' and last but not least there are 'perspectives'.
Draw, cut, place, slide and shift. Take pictures, move again, take another picture. It's not difficult, and it gives a lot of insight.
'Everyone in a complex system has a slightly different interpretation. The more interpretation we gather, the easier it becomes to gain a sense of the whole' - Margret Wheatley
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