'Whoever has been given the gift of wonder or who has mastered the art of wonder, will not easily get bored' - Caroline Pauwels
'I like complexity, difficult, complicated. I love trying to find a way through it.'
Unraveling, I do that with my head, my heart and my hands.
Difficult issues require an 'out-of-the-box' approach. If you work in a school, hospital, healthcare institution or NGO, you often come into contact with complex human processes and complicated issues that are not so easy to solve. It is then a good idea to call in an 'outsider' who can watch with you for a short or longer period of time. If you are looking for such an 'outsider witness', then you have come to the right place. I am an unraveller and while drawing I visualize your issue, which creates clarity and allows you to continue powerfully.
What kind of questions do I like to get stuck into?
That could be anything, but I like to focus on things that also feel relevant to me. The following themes fascinate me: difficult-beautiful stories of people, socially relevant issues regarding care, education, environmental conservation, nature, sustainability, justice, art.The common denominator of these themes is the impactful and future-oriented building of a warm world. So, if you work in an organization that is building a warm world, we can work together!
My surefire tools? There are 3!
1. The power of visualization. Making visible what is running and what is not running. Through scribing, being present while we talk. I'm drawing. Fast. And capture the essence.
2. The gift of listening. Deep listening, open to the words yet to be born. They hang in space, in the conversation and I catch them for you. I'm listening. Deep.
3. The rock-solid belief in miracles. From a very deep knowing and a fiery enthusiasm I am in almost continuous contact with the driving force of life. I believe. Fiery.